CZ-USA at US Open Sporting Clays Championship 2012

CZ-USA is this year’s Diamond Sponsor of US Open Sporting Clays Championship taking place at Caribou Gun Club, MN from 7/16-7/22. Dave Miller, Alice Poluchova and Larry Poore from the CZ-USA Shooting Team will compete with 900 other competitors at different shotgun games while CZ showcase trailer with 50+  guns will be open to competitors as well as the public. This is a great opportunity to see the complete product line and shoot CZ shotguns.

Tom Knapp will perform during the US Open at Caribou Gun Club on Fri, July 20 @ 5:30pm. This event is open to public FREE OF CHARGE. We sincerely invite all CZ fans and friends to come and see Tom Knapp in action and check out the new CZ showcase trailer.

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